Thursday, September 11, 2014

This is NOT the Blog Post You're Expecting

I am not going to ask you the obvious question. "Can I be honest with you?" Of course you would answer. "Yes, Bekah. I want you to be honest with me." Well here goes my attempt to bare my soul...

We would all probably agree that everyone wants honesty from everybody, but unfortunately in this world- honesty and transparency is far from our minds. Hiding our insecurities and protecting ourselves is first on the agenda. I will confess, I AM so guilty of this! 

So often I am afraid to be completely vulnerable about the messy raw parts of my life. 
I am afraid to tell people "no" as if I am letting them down. 
I am bad about setting up healthy boundaries. 
The list goes on... I am scared, insecure, and I am swamped by fear. 

Recently, I have felt the Lord speak to me about this issue of fearing what others think of me. Over this past year, He has been saying to me. "Bekah, stop worrying. I love you with an earth-shaking love and I am never going to give up on you. Set your eyes on Me, not on what others think of you." So often I care way too much about what others think of me.  
This scares me.

 And I know there are a lot of people out there that love Jesus fiercely but are completely crippled by the fear of man. Because of this, I thought it would be healthy to come 'out of the closet' myself and say, "THIS IS ME!" I am one of those people. I fear rejection. I fear being disliked. I fear looking foolish. But I am tired of being paralyzed by the fear of man! I might have "good intentions" to love people with a sincere heart but I have realized that many times my concern for people & what they think has overtaken and overshadowed my devotion to Jesus. I need to get back to the place where my deepest desire is to love & fear God with a holy pure passion!

Psalm 33:18
The eyes of the Lord are on those who fear him

Proverbs 29:25
People are trapped by the fear of others
 but those who TRUST in the LORD are SECURE

As I read these verses, I am confident that there is security and rest for the soul! Jesus is that rest. And I desperately want His eyes upon me. I need Him. So, I have prayed about this for awhile now and I felt the Lord speaking to me saying. "Ok, Bekah. This is the time to start taking off the layers of fear and insecurities. Invite people into the depths of your soul and share these struggle with them. You're not alone." So guys, here I am... I want to invite you into this journey with me. I want to move into a deeper place of wholeness. I would be honored if you join me. Here's what I am thinking...
  1. Let's first start by being BRAVE enough to be real and honest with each other.  
  2. I'd like to hear from you. Write a comment in the blog. What are your fears or insecurities? Do you struggle with fearing what others think of you?
  3. What tools have you used to overcome this struggles?
I am excited to learn from you and grow together! I fully anticipate God speaking and releasing freedom in the messy raw parts of life. 
(And thank God that He is okay with the messy stuff!:)

1 comment:

  1. I love you, Bekah! Thank you for bearing your soul - it's beautiful and inspirational! In response to your question, one of my biggest fears is missing what is best in my life... settling for less than God's best for us. But I believe that as I walk around fearing that, it only puts me in a place where I can't be living in the "now" and I end up missing out on what's happening in that moment (if only I could remember that every moment of my day).
