Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Evangeline is 3 Months!

Evangeline is growing so fast, she is 3 months already! How can that be! This little sweetheart is such a joy! Just the other day I was riding on a 'songthaw' (a large truck with seats in the back) we were heading to the market and this sweet Thai girl who was 6 years old came and sat next to me so she could see Evangeline. This precious little Thai girl was so adorable talking to me in Thai, saying how cute she thinks Evangeline is. It melted by heart seeing this girl love on her. It amazes me how children are such natural bridges into relationships. It's funny, I felt like Josh and I have been doing a pretty good job building relationships in our neighborhood community. We have been intentional to get to know people over the year- having dinner with some neighbours, going out on walks & talking with them but sometimes it just takes time to develop deeper relationships.

But since having Evangeline it's like everyone who a little unsure of us "farangs" (foreigners) they all have come out of hiding to talk to us. It's beautiful how children breakdown any cultural barriers and make people feel safe! It's been such a thrill to see how she is a blessing in building relationships because of the joy the she brings! We are so thankful for her in our lives!

Here's what the little miss has been up too!

Not too long ago we did a home visit in one of the slums here in Bangkok. We were visiting with a friend of mine who is apart of the Dton Naam program. Our babies are one week apart so Evangeline already has a little playmate! 

Making friends and getting some cuddles from one of the children 

While we were doing a home visit, it was a great time getting to see my friend, meet her baby and get to know her community's specific needs. Evangeline also got to visit another friend in the hospital. Sweet little Jubilee just one day old in this picture! 

Evangeline has also had a few adventures at our local swimming pool. The pool is in our Thai neighbourhood, so there are a lot of families and little ones swimming around!  She was very talkative and relaxed in the pool! 

Evangeline caused quite a stir- all of the Thai people loved seeing her float with daddy!

As a new mom, it has been a great journey so far. It has been challenging at times to know how to balance work and motherhood. I thought for sure I would still jump right into my "official staff role" at Dton Naam ministries. But since being a first time mom, no one can prepare you for all of the changes. Your desires change. You priorities change. Your baby constantly changing. So,  just recently I have decided to lessen my hours as a social worker with the ministry. I will still be very much involved with the ministry- building relationships, making disciples, participating when I can in the program classes with the students. Josh and I have felt God call me to slow down, enjoy being a mom and enjoy focusing on the family. We really believe that having a healthy strong family unit will be a blessing and a place of healing for our Thai students. We believe deep restoration can take place as we model our family life and we pray that God will use us in more profound ways because of the three of us. Ecclesiastes 4:12 a cord of three strands is not easily broken. Three really is better than two! We love you Evangeline! You brighten up the world!