No one can prepare you for how sweet, exhausting and incredible parenthood is. We have loved every minute of it! It's beautiful to see all of the ways God speaks to us as parents. I have never in my life learned so many lessons in such a short amount of time. Every emotion that you can possibly feel is all bundled up in a little smiley butterball of a human being! One of the lessons that I have been learning from Evangeline is how connection with people is essential for living a purposeful life. We are hardwired for deep meaningful relationships. Just the other day, I was visiting a friend who lives in one of Bangkok's slums. My friend has been through a lot of difficulties and she also has a sweet little baby the same age as Evangeline. As I was visiting with my friend, it was so precious to watch our two little babes smile at each other, touch and babel with one another without a spoken language. My friend and I's hearts were melting to see the connection that was being made between our babies. The more I see my Evangeline look, smile at, love people and make deep connections the more I am reminded of the call God has put on our lives. We are so committed to making sure that those we work with [the marginalized, the overlooked, the vulnerable] get opportunities to be connected with people. Connection is what gives us hope!
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Evangeline making connections with a friend :) |
I love this quote from Brene Brown. She says,
"I define connection as the energy that exists between people when they feel heard, seen, and valued; when they can give and receive without judgement; and when they derive sustenance and strength from the relationship."
Did you catch those words? SEEN, HEARD, VALUED. This is my prayer especially for those we work with, that they will truly encounter these 3 significant aspects of life. Everyone desires to be seen, heard, and valued just as they they; flaws, shortcomings and all! Thanks sweet Evangeline for helping me learn deep lessons from you, just as you are- my gentle, determined baby girl. Happy 11 months.... By the way sweet thing, right now you loving to try and stand up on your own, you have been taking your first few steps, and you make really funny faces with those big eyes of yours!
Just a few pictures for fun!
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In the village visiting a friends family during New Years. Evangeline and her buddies! |