Evangeline has been a busy one! She's only 2 months but she has done a lot of traveling already! When she was just a few days old she had to go to the American Embassy to apply for her passport. She got the passport just in time to travel with her mommy and daddy. They had to go on a visa run to Cambodia to apply for a brand new work visa. Usually visa runs take a long long time, with lots of long long lines to wait in, BUT this time is was a breeze! We waited for about 3 minutes for the whole visa process! Everything went smoothly and God provided all that we needed! While we were in Phnom Penh, Cambodia we also got to visit with some fellow laborers. We enjoyed the time with our friends and got to visit a temple, see some monkeys, visit other NGO cafes and eat some delicious Cambodian food called Amok which is like a casserole type curry!
In Cambodia at the Wat Phnom temple |
Right after Cambodia, Evangeline had to catch a flight to Chiang Mai, Thailand for the Dton Naam ministry staff retreat that her mommy & daddy are apart of. While the whole Hilts family were in Chiang Mai we did some planning and dreaming for the future of the ministry and the cafe. Evangeline got some cuddles and love from the Dton Naam staff too! After the staff retreat Evangeline made her way down to Hua Hin for the Songkran Festival (the Thai New Year). We all got away for a few days down by the beach with some of our colleagues from The Mission Society. It was a great time for community, encouragement and rest.
Pii Bpoo is our office administrator Evangeline loved getting cuddles from her! |
At Hin Hua celebrating the Thai New Year! |